Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Lyre

Eugene, June 11, 2008

I have been working on constructing a harp from a kit. The kit is pretty minimal so I am needing to do some pretty fine woodworking. She is walnut, her curves are smooth and round, her angles captivating. I was turned onto the harp through my girlfriend, Kelsey, when she was keeping hers in my room to practice. When she plays for me I am transported to a calm peaceful world, and all my troules seem to dissolve. When I play, the strings almost play me; the meditation resonates a basic vibration that unifies the Spirit of the universe.

I will be putting on the second coat of varnish after blogging. Then bed time. The light lingers until almost 10pm, only ten days away from summer solstice. Where have the seasons gone?

Love and Light

1 comment:

Niners Faithful said...

Can you play some Black Sabbath on that thing?

Yours, Jason Mayeroff